TBR 24 in '24 Challenge - My Sign Up Post

Hosted by: Gilion @ Rose City Reader

Challenge period: 1st January to 31st December, 2024. You can sign up any time before December 31, 2024.

Aim: To read books off our TBR shelves. This means books we own,

Murder on the Cornish Cliffs by Verity Bright
Book Review - Blog Tour

Publication Date: 1 December 2023
Publisher: Bookouture
Format: Print, e-book and audio
Series: A Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery #16
Genre: Historical Mystery, Cosy Mystery


A festive invitation from an old family friend, the promise of gingerbread at the village inn, snowy walks on the Cornish coast with Gladstone the bulldog… But wait, is that a body on the beach?

Winter, 1923. It’s nearly Christmas and Lady Eleanor Swift has received a rather strange letter from an old friend of her uncle. Mr Godfrey Cunliffe has asked her to stay in Cornwall for the holidays – but only because he believes his gardener is trying to poison

London Tales by Tim Walker
Read an Excerpt

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Publication Date: 8th November 2023
Publisher: Independently published
Series: Short Stories, Book Two
Page Length: 203
Genres: short stories; historical fiction; contemporary fiction; dystopian


This collection of eleven tales offers dramatic pinpricks in the rich tapestry of London’s timeline, a city with two thousand years of history. They are glimpses of imagined lives at key moments, starting with a prologue in verse from the point of view of a native Briton tribeswoman absorbing the shock of Roman invasion. The first story is a tense historical adventure set in Roman Londinium in 60 CE from the perspective of terrified legionaries and townsfolk facing the vengeful Iceni

Historical Stories of Exile by Various Historial Fiction Authors
Launch Party

OFFICIAL LAUNCH PARTY Date: 16th November 2023
Publisher: Taw River Press
Page Length: 323
Genre: Historical Fiction / Short Story Anthology

Contributing Authors: Cryssa Bazos, Anna Belfrage, Elizabeth Chadwick, Cathie Dunn, J G Harlond, Helen Hollick, Loretta Livingstone, Amy Maroney Alison Morton, Charlene Newcomb, Elizabeth St.John, Marian L. Thorpe, Annie Whitehead.
With an introduction by Deborah Swift.


Exile: a risky defiance, a perilous journey, a family’s tragic choice – or an individual’s final gamble to live. Exile: voluntary or enforced, a

Twelve Nights by Penny Ingham
Read a Snippet

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Publisher: Nerthus
Publication Date: April 2022
Page Length: 360
Series: The Heavenly Charmers
Genre: historical fiction/historical mystery


1592. The Theatre, London.

When a player is murdered, suspicion falls on the wardrobe mistress, Magdalen Bisset, because everyone knows poison is a woman’s weapon. The coroner is convinced of her guilt. The scandal-pamphlets demonize her.

Magdalen is innocent, although few are willing to help her prove it. Only handsome Matthew Hilliard offers his assistance, but dare she trust him when nothing about him rings true?

The Warmth of Snow by Heidi Eljarbo
Read a Snippet

Publication Date: 24th October 2023
Publisher: self-published
Page Length: 212
Series: Heartwarming Christmas
Genre: Sweet Historical Romance, Historical Fiction, Scandinavian Literature


There must be a way to thaw a heart long frozen. Can she help him, or does he have other plans?

Sweden 1810.
August Brandell, the count of Linborg, has returned home after four years of war against the French Empire under the direction of Napoléon Bonaparte. Wounded and downtrodden, he is a meager shadow of the man he used to be. One day, a lovely young

Bone Rites by Natalie Bayley
Book Review

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Publication Date: 31st October, 2023
Publisher: Aurora Metro Books
Format: Paperback
Length: 320 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction


"I collected the first bone when I was twelve. This fact was not mentioned in court... Such a tiny little bone, more like a tooth. I only kept it to keep him safe."

Kathryn Darkling, imprisoned in Holloway, is facing death by hanging for her vengeance killing. Haunted by a spirit, she still hopes to perform the ancient black magic that will free her soul, or her struggle to punish the mighty will have been in vain. Will the love of her life

Jane and the Final Mystery by Stephanie Barron
Blog Tour - Book Review

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Publication Date: October 24, 2023
Publisher: Soho Crime
Series: Being a Jane Austen Mystery (Book 15)
Length: (312) pages
Format: Hardcover, eBook, & audiobook
ISBN: 978-1641295055
Genre: Historical Mystery, Austenesque Fiction


The final volume of the critically acclaimed mystery series featuring Jane Austen as amateur sleuth

March 1817: As winter turns to spring, Jane Austen’s health is in slow decline, and threatens to cease progress on her latest manuscript. But when her nephew Edward

War Sonnets by Susannah Willey
Read an Excerpt

Publication Date: 5 July 2023
Publisher: Utter Loonacy Press
Page Length: 364
Genre: Historical Fiction / World War II


1942: In the war-torn jungles of Luzon, two soldiers scout the landscape. Under ordinary circumstances they might be friends, but in the hostile environment of World War II, they are mortal enemies.

Leo Baldwin, a US Army sergeant, writes sonnets. His sights are set on serving his country honorably and returning home in one piece. But the enemy is not always Japanese…Dooley wants Leo’s job, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it…Leo finds himself fighting for his reputation and freedom.

Lieutenant Tadashi Abukara prefers haiku. He has vowed to serve his emperor honorably, but finds himself fighting a losing battle. Through combat, starvation, and the threat

Guest Post from Natalie Bayley, Author of Bone Rites

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I'm pleased to be part of an October blog tour for Bone Rites, Natalie Bayley's historical fiction novel.

My participation is twofold: hosting a guest post today and providing a review closer to publication day.

Bone Rites is described as a dark, literary tale of love, loss and one woman’s obsessive fight for justice and redemption within a ruthless world and will be released on October 31st, 2023.

Natalie has written the following about some of the weird and wonderful facts she has uncovered while researching. Like me, I'm sure you will find it interesting. Thank you, Natalie.

Burning Secret by R J Lloyd
Read An Excerpt

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Publication Date: 24 May 2022
Publisher: Matador
Page Length: 384
Genre: Historical Fiction


Inspired by actual events, Burning Secret is a dramatic and compelling tale of ambition, lies and betrayal.

Born in the slums of Bristol in 1844, Enoch Price seems destined for a life of poverty and hardship-but he’s determined not to accept his lot.

Enoch becomes a bare-knuckle fighter in London’s criminal underworld. But in a city