Six in Six - 2024 Edition

Another July has come around which means it's time for this fun meme hosted by Jo @ The Book Jotter, now in its twelfth year.

The aim of Six in Six is to share what we've read in the first six months of the year by choosing six of the categories given and listing six books under each category. More information and the list of categories can be found here.

This meme is a great way to look back on what you've read so far in the year and to see any emerging trends. Looking at what I've read over the past six months, mostly historical mysteries, including cosy mysteries (my comfort reads) and that I'm eight books behind schedule in my Goodreads Reading Challenge, which is an improvement on last year when I was twenty-one books behind at this time. Like 2023, 2024 is not shaping up to be a good reading or reviewing year. I'm not even going to attempt to catch up, but will continue to plod along.

My categories are the same as last year and here they are:

Six Books by Authors I Have Read Before
  • Tigers in Blue by Richard Buxton
  • The Shadow Network by Deborah Swift
  • The Sweet Blue Distance by Sara Donati
  • The Good Liars by Anita Fran
  • No. 23 Burlington Square by Jenni Keer
  • The Black Feathers by Rebecca Netley
Six Books by Authors New to Me
  • Chenneville by Paulette Jiles
  • The Fortunes of Olivia richmond by Louise Davidson
  • Fyneshade by Kate Griffin
  • The Illusions by Liz Hyder
  • A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice by Rebecca Connolly
  • The Redemption of Isobel Farrar by Alan Robert Clark
Six Series of Books Started
  • A Case of Blackmail in Belgravia by Clara Benson (Freddy Pilkington-Soames Adventures #1)
  • The Mangle Street Murders by M.R.C. Kasasian (The Gower Street Detective #1)
  • Betty Church and the Suffolk Vampire by M.R.C. Kasasian (Betty Church Mystery #1)
  • Death of a Foreign Gentleman by Steven Carroll (Stephen Minter #1)
  • Black Silk and Sympathy by Deborah Challinor (Tatty Crowe #1)
  • The Dead of Winter by David Stuart Davies (Rupert Wilde Mystery #1)
Six Series of Books Continued
  • The Skeleton Army by Alis Hawkins (Oxford Mysteries #2)
  • A Grave for a Thief by Douglas Skelton (Company of Rogues #3)
  • Murder in Mayfair by Verity Bright (Lady Eleanor Swift Mystery #18)
  • The Camden Murder by Mike Hollow (The Blitz Detective #7)
  • An Act of Foul Play by T.E. Kinsey (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #9)
  • The Summer Birdcage by L.C. Tyler (John Grey Historial Mystery #8)
Six Stand Alone Historical Mysteries
  • The Birdcage Library by Freya Berry
  • Turnglass by Gareth Rubin
  • The Murder Game by Tom Hindle
  • The Beholders by Hester Musson
  • Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge by Lizzie Pook
  • The House on Vesper Sands by Paraic O'Donnell
Six Books Purchased and Not Read Yet
  • The Photographer by E.S. Blake
  • The Parlour Game by Jennifer Renshaw
  • Impact of Evidence by Carol Carnac
  • Tall Chimneys by Allie Cresswell
  • The Company by J.M. Varese
  • Year of the Sheep by James Y. Bartlett

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