Under a Cloud by Luv Lubker
Read an Excerpt

book cover
Publication Date: April 30th, 2024
Publisher: Historium Press
Series: The Rival Courts
Pages: 318
Genre: Historical Fiction
Audiobook: Will be narrated by Ella McNish, Jamie Collette and a full cast.

Book Description

Vicky's father, Albert, the Prince Consort, has just died, leaving her and her family under a heavy cloud of grief, without their dearest friend and advisor, at a most critical time: The political horizon grows dark with storm clouds at the entry of Bismarck to Germany's political stage in 1862.

Will Fritz's courage stand the test as he confronts the spider in its web? Is Prussia really fighting for the rights of the Schleswig people, or is so much blood being shed for the sake of Prussia's aggrandizement?

Join Vicky and Fritz on their journeys under the blue cloudless skies of the Mediterranean to the peaceful heather-clad hills of the Highlands of Scotland; to the burning heat of the North African desert to the raging blizzards of a winter war in Denmark.

When Vicky's closest friend disappears, will she be able to keep the secret? Will old enemies prove to be friends, and old friends prove to be enemies?


Meine Herren,” Fritz began, his voice shaking slightly, “Winter, I thank you for welcoming me and my wife here.” He paused, taking another deep breath, his voice growing steadier as he went on. “I, too, was deeply astonished and grieved at the news of the Press rescript. It occurred after my departure from Berlin, as did the appointment of my Royal uncle, Prince Karl, as Statthalter. I certainly have had nothing to do with the Press rescript, and would never have left Berlin if I knew a Regency was in question. I have not refused the position; I did not know that these particular actions were in contemplation.”

He paused, gazing out at the crowd. There had been moments of applause, but he hadn’t paused for them. Vicky sensed that he felt he needed to speak his mind fully, before pausing and possibly losing his nerve.

“This is all the doing of Prince Karl, and of Bismarck!” he called. The crowd hissed, and cheered as he went on, “I will do what I can to uphold the people’s rights, and to bring Germany together through moral conquests.”

Vicky saw that he went on; his mouth moved in speech, but the cheers were deafening this time.

“I deplore this conflict within my country, but I must urge everyone to trust the generous intentions of our King, my Royal father, for he, too, truly intends to foster the right and the good for the country, though he often accepts false advice.”

Fritz nodded, shaking Winter’s hand again, and returned to his seat at Vicky’s side.

Winter returned to the dais, smiling and bowing to them again. “I must thank your Royal Highnesses for gracing our hall with your presence. Three cheers for the Crown Prince!”

The crowd rose, cheering loudly.

“And three for the Crown Princess!”

The cheers were repeated.

“And three for our King!”

The cheers were repeated again, but half-heartedly, with several hisses as well.

“And three for the well-being of our country!”

The crowd rose again, cheering wildly.

Vicky heard cries of “Hoch lebe der Kronprinz!”, “King Friedrich!” and “Down with Bismarck!”

Where to Purchase

Universal Buy Link HERE

Meet the Author

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Luv Lubker has lived in the Victorian era half her life, making friends with the Brontë sisters and the extended family of Queen Victoria. Now she knows them quite as well as her own family.

Born in a cattle trough in the Appalachian mountains, Luv lives in Texas – when she comes to the modern world.

When she isn't living in the Victorian era, she enjoys being with her family; making and eating delicious raw food, riding her bike (which she only learned to ride at 25, though she has ridden a unicycle since she was 7), and watching animals – the passion of her childhood.

Connect with Luv:
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Tour Schedule

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for hosting Luv Lubker today, with a fabulous excerpt from Under A Cloud.

    Take care,
    Cathie xx
    The Coffee Pot Book Club
