Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday
Most Anticipated Books Releasing In the First Half of 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. A topic is assigned to each Tuesday. For that topic you are encouraged to make a top ten list, putting your own spin on it, if needed. Upcoming topics and more information can be found here.

A new year means lots of new releases! Here are ten I'm looking forward to reading in the first half of the year. The Links will take you to the book descriptions on Goodreads or Amazon.

01. A Fatal Crossing by Tom Hindle (Jan 2022)
A murder mystery set on a ship bound for New York, 1924.
02. The Key in the Lock by Beth Underwood (Jan 2022)
A gothic, dual timeline mystery set in Cornwall, England, 1888/1918.
03. The Winter Guest by W.C. Ryan (Jan 2022)
A gothic mystery set in Ireland, 1920.
04. The Leviathan by Rosie Andrews (Feb 2022)
A mystery set in Norfolk, England, 1643.
05. Winchelsea by Alex Preston (Feb 2022)
Smugglers and pirates in Winchelsea, England, 1742.
06. Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter by Lizzie Pook (Feb 2022)
A mystery set in the late 1800s, pearling industry, Western Australia.
07. The Daisy Chain by Al Campbell (March 2022)
Espionage, tea smuggling and the ‘triangular trade system', 1771.
08. Orphan Rock by Dominique Wilson (March 2022)
Set in late 1800s Sydney and World War I Paris.
09. Dark Hunter by F.J. (Fiona) Watson (April 2022)
A murder mystery set in Berwick-upon-Tweed,Scotland, 1317.
10. Unnatural Ends by Christopher Huang (April 2022)
A gothic, murder mystery set in England during the inter-war years.


  1. I loved A Fatal Crossing (my review will be up closer to publication date) and am halfway through The Key in the Lock at the moment. Winchelsea and The Daisy Chain both sound interesting!

    1. I couldn't get ARCs of A Fatal Crossing or The Key in the Lock, so I'm waiting for my library to get them, which I hope will be very soon. I'm looking forward to reading your reviews.

  2. As someone who loves Gothic, Unnantural Ends seems very interesting. I will add it to my wishlist. Thank you for sharing. :)

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. You're welcome. I'm looking forward to reading it and hope it lives up to expectation.
