Wednesday, December 09, 2020

The Brittle Sea by Tom Kane
Spotlight and Excerpt

Publication Date: 19th June 2020
Publisher: TigerBites
Print Length: 295 pages
Series: The Brittle Saga Trilogy, Book 1
Genre: Historical Fiction


The Titanic disaster is the catalyst that sparks a bloody feud between two families in early 20th century America.

Magda Asparov is travelling from her home in the Ukraine to be the chosen bride of American businessman Matthew Turner III. But the ill-fated voyage of the unsinkable ship has far reaching consequences for her and her savior.

Magda has lost her memory and a new personality, Maggie, has taken hold. The Captain of her rescue ship, Richard Blackmore, has fallen for Maggie.

A mental illness, betrayal, murder, and corruption destroy Blackmore's life until all that remains is for him to seek revenge.

Read an Excerpt

The Brittle Sea
Copyright © Tom Kane 2020

A Disaster Unfolds

The ship ploughed its way through the dark and still waters of the northern Atlantic, heedless of any danger to itself. Her captain had called for full power and her crew had obliged obediently. In the time before the dawn, all those on board who were awake knew something was amiss. A Cunard Line ship usually made her way calmly and sedately through these waters, especially this time of year where loose icebergs were a danger. But this ship was on a mission, a rescue mission, to save as many souls from certain death as was possible.

Some passengers had been woken by the noise from the ship's engines and the crew hastening to make ready to take survivors on-board. Some were confused by the determination of the crew and some realised something was amiss. A few, a very few, knew this could only mean a ship was sinking and needed assistance. As the dawn approached people on deck could see icebergs in the distance, some so large that were they to hit one it would doom the ship. But their captain knew his job. Despite only being in command for three months, the captain had ensured his crew were well trained and diligent, as was he himself.

On deck, crew and passengers alike felt the ship slowing and those on look-out were calling out that they had seen something in the dark water. It was a calm sea and so the lookouts had no trouble spotting the first lifeboat. The ship slowed once more and manoeuvred itself toward the lifeboat. Passengers and crew were dismayed at the sight of a lifeboat with so few people in it. It didn’t seem to make any sense. But as time went by, it was apparent that this would be the norm as more lifeboats were spotted and few were full.

The ship continued the search of the area where the Titanic had sunk. By now, all on board were awake and most were only now realising they were witnessing a disaster of epic proportions. A ship considered unsinkable, lost and a loss of life so large that all were stunned into silence. They watched as survivors, so pitifully few, were brought aboard the Carpathia.

The captain, Arthur Rostron, gave the order to head for New York, the nearest port. He also ordered his Marconi man to send out urgent messages to any ships nearby to come at once and search for survivors, though he doubted anymore survivors would be found now. Captain Rostron knew those who didn’t make it into a lifeboat and had jumped into the sea, even wearing lifejackets, were most likely dead due to the extreme cold. His crew had managed to find four dead victims, and he ordered a burial at sea.

Rostron’s Marconi man reported several ships were on their way. Some had changed course, and some were coming from the nearest ports. By the time these ships arrived, Rostron felt certain there would be little hope of finding anyone alive.

Where to Purchase

Amazon (Kindle)Amazon (Paperback)

Meet the Author

As a child, Tom Kane's family always insisted he was born in the corner of the living room, behind the TV. That strange assertion, true or false, seems to have set the tone for the rest of his life. Kane's mother inspired him to write. Doctor Who and Isaac Asimov inspired his love of science fiction. Monty Python inspired him to be silly and he continues to blame Billy Connolly for his infrequent bursts of bad language In the corner or behind the TV, what is officially known about Tom Kane's birth is that it took place in England many moons ago.

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