Saturday, September 05, 2020

Six Degrees of Separation:
From Rodham to Mariana

The first Saturday of the month is time to play Six Degrees of Separation. This meme is hosted by Kate of Books Are My Favourite and Best. The aim is to link six books to each other from the starting point, which today is Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld.

Here is a bit of the book's description from Goodreads:

From the New York Times bestselling author of American Wife and Eligible, a novel that imagines a deeply compelling what-might-have-been: What if Hillary Rodham hadn’t married Bill Clinton?

I haven't read this book and didn't know where to go to from here. So, as last month, I used a list on Goodreads to help me on my way.

My post is a very quick and simple one this month. I have used single word book titles of first or last names, which link to each other as the first letters of the titles spell out RODHAM.


My links have taken me from Monte Carlo in the 20th century to Elizabethan, Victorian and Georgian England and finally the 17th century. Where did your links take you?

Next month the starting point is The Turn of the Screw by Henry James.


  1. OMG... you did it too! Like Annabel! Plus, they're all single word titles. Fabulous! You guys are so clever!

    1. Thanks for your wonderful comments, Davida! :-)

  2. Great chain. Loved Rebecca and Mariana - actually anything by Kearsley really

  3. What a unique approach to the chain! I love it! Rebecca is such a good book. I've enjoyed the Susanna Kearsley books I've read. I need to search out more of her work.

    1. Thank you! Ive read some of her books more than once and love them more every time.

  4. Such a clever idea! Thanks for sharing your chain

  5. Great minds as they say! :D Love the one-word titles too.

    1. We were definitely on the same wavelength! Thanks, Annabel.

  6. Oh, what a clever idea! Good choices too. I am especially a Susanna Kearsley fan!

    1. Thanks you, Marg. I'm looking forward to her next book.

  7. This is so clever - and has given me five more titles for my VERY long list!

    I thought I'd read Mariana until I realised the one I read was an entirely different thing by Monica Dickens.

    I re-read Rebecca quite recently - what a book. I also found a very old TV programme of an interview with Daphne du Maurier, which was fascinating - I'd had no idea she was so glamorous.

    I've been meaning to try Georgette Heyer for ages, so many people love her - so now I have even more incentive.

    1. Thank you. Always happy to add to someone's TBR.

      I went looking for that Daphne du Maurier interview. I wasn't able to access it, but found another on YouTube. Yes, she was very glamorous, as most women seemed to be in that era.

      I'm a fan of Georgette Heyer from way back. Her romance novels are my comfort reads. I've not read any of her detective fiction yet, but would like to soon

  8. VERY Clever!! Of to check into Harvisham!

    1. Thank you, Lisa. Hope you're tempted to read it!

  9. That's a great idea. I need to try being more creative with my chains! I have read and enjoyed all of those books apart from Havisham and Arabella.

    1. Thank you, Helen. I always enjoy your chains! I didn't think I was being creative at the time, just desperate :-)

  10. Hi Yvonne! I love what you did here, how clever! I might actually copy you some or other time. If that will be okay?

    Rebecca is one of my ultimate favorites. Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again.... And Arabella! I haven't seen that book in years. I have a couple of Georgette Heyer's on my shelf, my aunt was a huge fan.

    Happy September and here's my 6 Degrees of Separation Sep 2020

    1. Thank you, Elza. The idea isn't mine. I'd seen variations of it done in other memes. It's a handy trick when your stuck.

      I never get tired of Georgette Heyer. Her books are my comfort reads.
