Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Books with Colours in the Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Girl Reader. A topic is assigned to each Tuesday. For that topic you are encouraged to make a top ten list, putting your own spin on it, if needed. Upcoming topics and more information can be found here.

For this week's Top Ten Tuesday we are asked to list ten books with colours in the titles. Here is my list:

01. Red Sky Over Hawaii by Sara Ackerman
I recently added this World War II novel to my TBR. Sara Ackerman is an author I've had on my wish list for a while.

02. Midnight Blue by Simone van der Vlug
This is an entertaining read set in Holland during the 17th century about a young widow who earns her living painting pottery.

03. Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey
I read a lot of Zane Grey's Westerns in my early teens in what I call my Western phase inspired by watching a lot of T.V. Westerns, such as Laramie, Cheyenne and Rawhide, popular at the time. I don't remember much about the novel, but I must have liked it enough to read more by that author.

04. The Woman in the Green Dress by Tea Cooper
Tea Cooper is one of my favourite authors. This novel is set in Australia during the mid-1800s and post World War I. It involves an inheritance, taxidermy and opals.

05. Poor Man's Orange by Ruth Park
This book, together with its prequel The Harp in the South, is considered an Australian classic. Both were prescribed reading when I was in high school. Set before World War II, it tells the story of the Darcy family, who live in Surrey Hills, an inner city slum of Sydney. I must find time to re-read them.

06. Brown on Resolution by C.S. Forester
This was another novel that was prescribed reading in high school. I don't think I enjoyed it at the time. My interest in World War I came much later. I've since re-read it and can recommend it for those who like a good adventure story.

07. The Rose Code by Kate Quinn
This World War II novel is due for release in March, 2021. Who can resist a story about code breakers and spies? Not me!

08. The Indigo Ghosts by Alys Clare
This is the third novel in a great new mystery series set during the reign of James VI and I and features Gabriel Taverner, an ex-ship's surgeon now turned country doctor. I'm eagerly awaiting book number four.

09. The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
This novel about Elizabeth Woodville, who married Edward IV, is part of The Cousins' War series. I still have the last book, The King's Curse, to read.

10. Black Sheep by Georgette Heyer
This is one of my favourite Heyer Regency romances. I'm a fan of the covers by Arthur Barbosa which are found on the earlier editions and re-prints of Heyer's novels.


  1. Midnight Blue has such a classy cover.

    My TTT .

  2. Nice list!
    Here is my TTT!
