Wednesday, September 11, 2019

CAN'T-WAIT WEDNESDAY: I Can't Wait for The Poppy Wife by Caroline Scott

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. Find out more here.

I'm always excited when a new novel about World War I surfaces. The Poppy Wife by Caroline Scott, which will also be published as The Photographer of the Lost, is due for release on November 1st, 2019.

While I like both, I prefer the cover and title of the hardback edition over the paperback. It is more evocative on both counts. No matter the packaging, this is sure to be a good read!

Paperback edition
Hardback edition


Until she knows her husband’s fate, she cannot decide her own...
An epic debut novel of forbidden love, loss, and the shattered hearts left behind in the wake of World War I

1921. Families are desperately trying to piece together the fragments of their broken lives. While many survivors of the Great War have been reunited with their loved ones, Edie’s husband Francis has not come home. He is considered ‘missing in action’, but when Edie receives a mysterious photograph taken by Francis in the post, hope flares. And so she beings to search.

Harry, Francis’s brother, fought alongside him. He too longs for Francis to be alive, so they can forgive each other for the last things they ever said. Both brothers shared a love of photography and it is that which brings Harry back to the Western Front. Hired by grieving families to photograph gravesites, as he travels through battle-scarred France gathering news for British wives and mothers, Harry also searches for evidence of his brother.

And as Harry and Edie’s paths converge, they get closer to a startling truth.

An incredibly moving account of an often-forgotten moment in history, The Poppy Wife tells the story of the thousands of soldiers who were lost amid the chaos and ruins, and the even greater number of men and women desperate to find them again.

Release date: November 1st, 2019
Format: Print and ebook
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Genre: Historical Fiction, World War I


  1. Oooh! Both of these books sound great! Great picks!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  2. I enjoy World War I fiction too. I don't know how I missed hearing about this upcoming release! It does sound good. I hope you love it. Have a great day!

    1. I have to thank Twitter for this one! Thank you.
