Wednesday, April 10, 2019

CAN'T-WAIT WEDNESDAY: I Can't Wait for Tidelands by Philippa Gregory

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. Find out more here.

Philippa Gregory is famous for her Plantagenet and Tudor novels, of which I've read a few and enjoyed. My introduction to her writing was way back in the 1980s through her Wideacre Trilogy set in Georgian England.

Come August 2019, she will be launching a new series with Tidelands, which sports a very evocative cover, set during the English Civil War. I'm reading more and more novels set in this time period and will definitely be adding Tidelands to my TBR pile.


England 1648. A dangerous time for a woman to be different . . .

Midsummer’s Eve, 1648, and England is in the grip of civil war between renegade King and rebellious Parliament. The struggle reaches every corner of the kingdom, even to the remote Tidelands – the marshy landscape of the south coast.

Alinor, a descendant of wise women, crushed by poverty and superstition, waits in the graveyard under the full moon for a ghost who will declare her free from her abusive husband. Instead she meets James, a young man on the run, and shows him the secret ways across the treacherous marsh, not knowing that she is leading disaster into the heart of her life.

Suspected of possessing dark secrets in superstitious times, Alinor’s ambition and determination mark her out from her neighbours. This is the time of witch-mania, and Alinor, a woman without a husband, skilled with herbs, suddenly enriched, arouses envy in her rivals and fear among the villagers, who are ready to take lethal action into their own hands.

Release Date: August 20, 2019
Format: Print, ebook and audio
Genre: Historical Adventure


  1. This sounds like a very different period for Philippa Gregory. I like the cover too. I'll have to look out for it.

    1. I'm so used to seeing Philippa Gregory's name attached to a Plantagenet/Tudor novel that this came as a nice surprise.

  2. I've read this author before and she is good! Hope you enjoy this one!
    You can check out my post at Lisa Loves Literature.

  3. This one sounds awesome and I love the cover. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
