Sunday, May 13, 2018

My Blog's Name in Books

Thanks to a post from Helen @ She Reads Novels, I've just spent a fun-filled hour browsing my TBR for titles to suit this meme and writing up my post.

Lynne @ Fictionophile started this meme last month, but I hadn't come across it until now. I loved its simplicity.

There are only three rules:

1. Spell out your blog's name.

2. Find a book from your TBR that begins with each letter (the books must already be on your Goodread’s TBR).

3. Have fun!

My blog name is not that long and I didn't have any hard letters to find titles for though I did have to find a few beginning with the same letter. To make it a little more challenging, I discounted the book titles in my TBR beginning with the word "the". Here's my result:


Have you read any of these books? Are you tempted to give this meme a try?


  1. That's an interesting selection of books. I loved Dear Mrs Bird and Dead Man's Embers. I've also read Days Without End and although it's not one of my favourite Sebastian Barry books, the writing is beautiful.

    1. I've not read anything by Sebastian Barry. This was the first book of his that caught my eye. I'm hoping to read Dear Mrs Bird soon.

  2. How did you discover Eleanor's Secret?
    I'm curious as she is a local author at our little Indy bookshop and we're hosting a book event for her in a couple of weeks. Her first book sold well in our area, but I wasn't sure how much further afield she had been known.

    1. Hi Brona, I've known about this book since the beginning of the year and wrote a post in March about books being released in the coming months ( I'd read Maggie's Kitchen so was on the look out for this author's next novel. I regularly do an internet search for new titles. Not quite sure where I heard about it first as my sources are many and include my local library's online catalogue, Booktopia, Allen and Unwin, Historical Novel Society etc. I live in rural Victoria and rarely visit bookshops, so I definitely discovered this book on line.

  3. This is a fun way to create a blog post, and I may do it too, in future, for terragarden as my blog's name.
