Sunday, January 03, 2016

2015 Reading Challenges - Wrap Up

Here is my wrap-up post for the various challenges I participated in last year. A mixed result, with some successes and some failures, but all enjoyable nonetheless.


I failed to read all of the books I'd nominated for this challenge. I only read and reviewed two books from my challenge list. However, looking through the list of books I'd read in 2015, fifteen were by Australian authors. While I haven't fulfilled the challenge, I am still pleased to see I'd read that many Australian authors. I'm signing up for this challenge again in 2016. I know I can do better.


This is my second year participating in this challenge. I succesfully completed it in 2014, reading and reviewing three books. Hoping to improve on that in 2015, the level of participation I opted for was Miles: read six – if reviewing, review at least four. I managed to read more than six novels, a mixture of old and new publications, but only reviewed one. According to the rules, I have successfully completed this challenge, though not to my personal satisfaction. I'm signing up again in 2016. Hopefully, I will do better this year with reviews written as well.


This was another failure. Of the twelve categories nominated, I only managed to fulfill two. I'm signing up for this challenge again in 2016. I'm not sure if I'll carry over the unread books from my 2015 list to this year's.


I successfully completed this challenge. Twelve books read and reviewed. This is another challenge I'm signing up for this year.


Another success and one that needs no explanation. The simplest of all the challenges I participated in last year. My goal was a 100 books. I read 103. You can see My Year in Books here. It goes without saying that I'm participating again this year.


This was another successful challenge. As I read mostly historical fiction failure was not an option. My goal was 50+ books, which I read comfortably, even allowing for the dual time frame novels and one contemporary novel I read as part of another challenge. I'm definitely signing up again this year.


This challenge was a bit of fun. I ticked off 18 out of 50 books. Not a bad result seeing as I mainly read historical fiction. A more eclectic reader would have done better. I've all ready downloaded and printed off the 2016 check list. Let's see how I do this year. You can see my 2015 check list here


I did better than I thought with this one. For some strange reason I started at the highest level. My goal was to read 12 books each set in a different county. I managed six counties. So this challenge is another fail, but I'm signing up again to finish my journey.


I didn't re-read as many books as I thought I would. With one re-read only in 2015, I've decided not to sign up for this challenge again.


I originally signed up for The Classics Club in January, 2015. To-date I've read two novels from the fifty I've nominated to read by January 2020. Not sure why I'm not on the list of members, so I'm going to sign up again.

Out of nine challenges (I'm not counting The Classics Club as that is still ongoing) I completed four. I didn't expect to complete them all, but my results were better than I thought they would be. I'm hoping to complete a few more challenges in 2016.


  1. Congrats on your success with many of your challenges - and considering how many you participated in, that's a lot to be proud of!

    I'm going to put up a post shortly with my challenge progress. All I did was Goodreads and the Australian Women Writers Challenge, and I'm amazed I successfully completed both.

    1. Thank you. I hope to improve my finish rate this year.

      You did well with the Australian Women Writers Challenge. As I recall you came to it late in the year. Well done.

  2. Wow, you keep track of so many different challenges!

    I am in the Classics Club also. Hopefully I do better with that one in 2016.

    1. To reach my goal I need to read at least ten classics a year. I was way off the mark in 2015. I'm also hoping to do better in 2016.
